Report: Ryan Seacrest Talking to NBC About Developing Potential ‘Idol’ Rival

The budding media mogul is planning a musical competition series with a rival network. Does this spell the beginning of the end for his current gig?

In a move that could signal his departure as the host of "American Idol," Ryan Seacrest and his production company are talking with NBC about developing anothere musical competition series, the New York Post reports.
NBC's head of alternative programming, Paul Telegdy, told the paper that the proposed project — said to be still in the embryonic stages of development — would be "another music concept, which is a totally different kind of competition show."

Also read: "Ryan Seacrest Exposed as Larry King's 'Jeans Supplier' on 'Conan' (Video)"

So how would it differ from Seacrest's current gig? According to Telegdy, "It is self-contained episodes. It is a bit more fun. It's not contestant competitive. It's artist competitive."

So would Fox and "Idol's" producers be cool with Seacrest producing — or even hosting — a show that might have similar themes?

At least the Post, which headlined its report, "Is Ryan Seacrest Preparing to Leave 'Idol'?" thinks it might be.

Seacrest has only one year left on his contract with CKX, the parent company of "Idol" producer 19 Entertainment — a $45 million deal he signed back in July 2009

Seacrest has so many producing irons in the fire right now — including ABC's "Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution" and the seemingly ever-expanding Kardashians stable of shows on E! — that it's difficult to imagine him picking up another one without spontaneously combusting.

Seacrest's Ryan Seacrest Productions already has a deal to develop eight new shows for the network.
