‘Real Time’ Reimagines Donald Trump and Justin Trudeau as ‘Goofus and Gallant’ (Video)

“Justin waits politely for women to get on an elevator first. Donald grabs their p—–s”

Friday night on “Real Time,” Bill Maher compared Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau to president Trump with a segment that was pretty funny both for people who think Trump was an embarrassment during last week’s G7 meeting, and people who still remember the magazine “Highlights for Children.”

For those of you who didn’t grow up on “Highlights,” the storied kids’ mag features an educational comic strip called “Goofus and Gallant,” in which the bad/lazy/mean actions of “Goofus” are contrasted against the good/brave/generous actions of “Gallant.” For instance, “Goofus takes the last apple. Gallant shares his orange.” The moral: be more like Gallant, kids. (Duh!)

So it is that Maher, first assuring Candian viewers that “It’s not us, you know that? We love you. It’s our boorish president,” rolled out “Donald and Justin” at the show’s mid-point. Some highlights (no pun intended):

“Justin waits politely for women to get on an elevator first. Donald grabs their p—–s”

“Justin speak’s the King’s English. Donald speaks ‘Queens douchebag.’”

“Justin remains devoted to his wife, who he met in high school. Donald remains devoted to Kim Jong Un, who he met three days ago.”

There’s plenty more, and you can watch the full clip at the top of the page.
