‘Real Time’: Rep. Adam Schiff Has Perfect Comeback Next Time Trump Taunts Him on Twitter

Congressman from California says colleague’s suggested retort “was much more ‘Bill Maher’ then ‘Adam Schiff'”

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Rep. Adam Schiff, the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, told “Real Time” host Bill Maher he’s been given the perfect comeback for the next time President Trump belittles him on Twitter.

Schiff recently found himself on President Trump’s ever-growing list of politicians to receive a demeaning, childish nickname. Trump used Twitter to call him “Little Adam Schiff, who is desperate to run for higher office” and “one of the biggest liars and leakers in Washington.”

A colleague of the congressman’s had a suggestion, Schiff said.

“One of my colleagues had a suggestion for how I ought to respond on Twitter to the president’s attacks, which I didn’t take because it was much more ‘Bill Maher’ then ‘Adam Schiff,’” the Congressman from California told Maher.

“He said I should write back, ‘Dear Mr. President, when you go low, we go high. Go screw yourself.’”

Maher had a better suggestion for dealing with the POTUS: “When they go low, we get high.”


That’s a true Bill Maher answer,” Schiff laughed.
