“Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” star Kim Richards had some explaining to do to police earlier this month, when she allegedly made a drunken scene at the Beverly Hills Hotel. And now she’s answering to another authority: TV shrink Dr. Phil McGraw.
Richards recently sat down for an interview with Dr. Phil, which will air on his talk show on Tuesday. In a new snippet from the sit-down, Richards describes the events that led up to her arrest.
According to Richards, she had poured herself a “good-sized” drink, and as she headed home, the alcohol began to take effect. Driving near the Beverly Hills Hotel at the time, she decided to stop in, as she was comfortable with the hotel’s environment.
Richards told McGraw that she didn’t order a drink at the hotel, as the bar was closed, but to hear the reality star tell it, she was already in rough enough shape to be an unwelcome presence there.
“The waiter, he said, ‘If you don’t leave, we’re going to call the police for trespassing,’” Richards recalled to McGraw.
“Were you loud? Were you obnoxious? Were you crazy?” McGraw quizzes Richards.
According to the Beverly Hills Police Department, Richards is accused of causing a disturbance at the restaurant of the Beverly Hills Hotel and was asked to leave by staff. While being escorted off the property, Richards asked to use the bathroom, then refused to leave.
Police said that Richards, who was “displaying symptoms of alcoholic intoxication,” cursed at the police when they arrived and “passively resisted arrest,” then kicked one of the police in the leg after being transported for booking.
According to TMZ, Richards, who has long struggled with sobriety, entered a rehab facility in Malibu last week.
Watch the sneak peek in the video.