TheWrap has obtained the internal WME memo announcing the hiring of Dan Aloni, the senior motion picture agent fired by CAA on Wednesday.
Adam Venit, who heads the William Morris Endeavor motion picture department, informed the agency staff on Friday evening in a surprisingly low-key memo, considering such high-profile clients are at stake.
Sent: Friday, March 02, 2012 6:24 PM
To: All
Subject: Dan Aloni
Please join us in welcoming our new colleague Dan Aloni, who starts today as a partner in our motion picture department. It is yet to be determined which clients will be joining him, we will let you know as we get more information.
TheWrap has learned that Christopher Nolan and Michel Gondry are both likely to join Aloni at WME.
But they are not the only high-value clients who may be up for grabs. Others include directors David Dobkin, Luke Greenfield, Jay Roach, Robert Zemeckis, Thomas Schlamme, Morgan Spurlock and Tom Shadyac.
Aloni also worked on the teams of many prominent actors including: Brad Cooper, Robert De Niro, Will Ferrell, Demetri Martin and Jim Carrey.