“Extant” fell to Earth on its Wednesday Season 2 debut, down 56 percent from its series premiere last summer among viewers 18-49. “Big Brother” at 8 p.m. slipped 14 percent in the demo, earning a 1.8 rating /7 share and 5.8 million viewers — both highs on the night despite the dip. Following a rerun, “Extant” at 10 received a 0.7/3 and 5.2 million viewers.
As such, CBS — the total viewer champ last night — found itself in a three-way key demo tie with NBC and Fox. Each drew a 1.2 /4 in the advertiser-coveted 18-49 demographic. CBS was first in total viewers with 5.6 million; NBC was second with 4.7 million, airing only repeats; Fox was third with 3.6 million.
It is worth noting that last year “Extant” premiered at 9 p.m., so an hour earlier than last night’s episode. Also, the Halle Berry drama debuted after the Fourth of July in 2014, not before the holiday weekend. Therefore, available viewing levels for it last summer were somewhat higher than this time around.
For Fox, “MasterChef” at 8 had a 1.4/6 and 4.3 million viewers. At 9, “Bullseye” got a 0.9/3 and 2.8 million viewers.
ABC was fourth in ratings with a 0.8/3 and in viewers with 3.2 million. Following repeats, “Celebrity Wife Swap” at 10 had a 0.8/3 and 2.9 million viewers.
Univision was fifth in ratings with a 0.7/3 and in viewers with 2 million.
Telemundo was sixth in ratings with a 0.6/2 and in viewers with 1.3 million.
The CW was seventh in ratings with a 0.3/1 and in viewers with 1.1 million, airing just reruns.