ABC's new Jerry Bruckheimer-produced drama "Take the Money and Run" premiered to flat numbers compared to last year's premiere of the short-lived "Downfall," while NBC's "America's Got Talent" was the night's top-rated program on Tuesday, while Fox won the evening overall, according to preliminary numbers.
"America's Got Talent" at 9 p.m. drew the night's best ratings in the adults 18-49 demographic with a 2.9 rating/8 share — down 6 percent compared to last week — and 11.5 million total viewers.
NBC's night began with "It's Worth What?" at 8, which was down 14 percent compared to last week with a 1.2/4 in the demo and 4.7 million total viewers.
At Fox, "Hell's Kitchen" at 8 grabbed the night's second-best ratings, drawing even versus last week with a 2.6/9 in the demo and 6.1 million total viewers. "MasterChef" the following hour was down 4 percent with a 2.4/7 in the demo and 5.8 million total viewers. The combined ratings for the two shows handed Fox a win for the night, with an overall 2.5/8 among adults 18-49.
ABC's night began at 8 with "Wipeout," which was up 11 percent compared to its last original episode on June 28, taking a 2.0/6 in the demo and 6.4 million total viewers. The premiere of "Take the Money and Run" ran the following hour, performing on a par with last June's premiere of the "Downfall," garnering a 1.9/.5 in the demo and 5.1 million total viewers. ("Downfall" lasted a mere five episodes.) The network closed the evening with "Combat Hospital" at 10, which climbed 11 percent to a 1.0/3 in the demo and 3.7 million total viewers.
CBS ran repeats throughout the evening.