Rachel Maddow is having a hard time wrapping her head around the concept of election deniers who are running in political races this year. On Monday night, the MSNBC host sincerely questioned how those people who deny the 2020 election results expect to be, well, fairly elected.
Appearing on “The Tonight Show” and sitting with host Jimmy Fallon, Maddow noted that in new findings from The Washington Post, “a numerical majority of the Republican candidates don’t believe in the last election results.” In fact, many are campaigning on the lie that the election was “stolen” thanks to voter fraud (which has been disproven multiple times since the election ended).
“So that’s hard, ’cause if you don’t believe elections are the way we decide who’s in power, how exactly would you like us to choose you?” Maddow said. “If you don’t think that elections are how people should get into power in America, I don’t know what you want me to do for you, but I’m disinclined to vote for you.”
Maddow added that, given past precedent, logic would dictate that Republicans would have a decent shot at sweeping the midterms, under normal circumstances.
“Political science is not real science. Like, it’s not physics,” she explained. “But to the extent that there is a political science rule in America, it is: If your party currently has a president in the White House, the next time there’s an election, you’re gonna get shellacked.”
That said, the 2022 midterms have so far proven to be less than normal circumstances. The MSNBC host poked fun at two candidates in particular, reiterating that she has no idea how they expect to be elected.
“But…Herschel Walker, you know?” Maddow said with a laugh. “And I mean, really, the nominee for governor in Arizona doesn’t believe in election results! Like, well then, I would do a lot of things with you, but not participate in an election! That’s the thing, that’s not a thing for you!”
You can watch the full segment from “The Tonight Show” in the video above.