Quibi has teamed up with The DoDo on “All the Feels,” a new show debuting on April 6 — the streaming service’s launch date — that looks to give animal lovers their daily dose of fun, heartwarming and wacky content — and TheWrap has a first look at the show.
“All the Feels” will feature unique animal stories that “provide different emotional content experiences,” according to The DoDo, that will be tailored to specific daily themes. For example, “WTF Thursday” will feature unusual clips, like a hairless cat “who controls his human family while crouching on top of the fridge,” according to The DoDo, along with a number of other off-the-wall clips from the animal kingdom; The DoDo, which has been making making animal-focused content since 2014 and has more than 8.3 million Instagram followers, has found unusual animal clips tend to perform about 20% better on Thursdays, which helped spur the idea for each day to have it’s own distinct theme.
The show will be part of Quibi’s “Daily Essentials” lineup, which will include a handful of news and quick-hit shows that air each day. Quibi stands for “quick bites” and episodes will be 10 minutes or less, including their “movies in chapters.” Here’s a look at how each themed day on “All the Feels”:
- “Motivation Monday” will get viewers’ week started with “determine, inspiring and adorable” animals, like a 40 pound cat that lost half of its weight, per TheDoDo
- “Ugly Cry Tuesday” will have tear-jerking videos like a lioness reuniting with a lost baby cub
- “Happy Hump Day” will take a lighthearted midweek break and will feature animals like a tiny donkey who steals his mom’s pillows
- “WTF Thursday” as mentioned above, will feature more obscure animal videos
- “Feel Good Friday” will highlight more fun and moving clips like a cat who falls in love with a neighboring kitten through the window
The DoDo falls under the Group Nine Media umbrella, which also includes digital video stalwarts like NowThis and Thrillist.
Quibi, led by CEO Meg Whitman and founder Jeffrey Katzenberg, will launch on April 6 with more than 50 shows available for mobile-only streaming. Ultimately, the new service is set to release 175 shows within its first year; it’ll cost $4.99 per month for ad-supported streaming and $7.99 for ad-free service. To attract subscribers, Quibi has greenlit shows from a who’s who of stars, including: Steven Spielberg, Lorne Michaels, Justin Timberlake, Bill Murray, Jennifer Lopez, John Travolta, Kris and Kendall Jenner and Stephen Curry, among others.
The new service is looking to separate itself from a growing list of streaming services by making episodes that are a maximum of 10 minutes long. (Quibi is short for “quick bites.”) In a recent interview with TheWrap, Katzenberg said Quibi isn’t worried about competition from services like Disney+ when it comes to winning over subscribers.
“We’re in a marathon, not a sprint,” Katzenberg said. “Disney+ is a 100-year brand with the most valued and important generational IP on earth, ever. We’re a different use case, and we don’t have the same brand recognition. So we don’t think we’ll take off like a rocketship. We think it’s something we build over the course of several years.”