Pro-Palestinian Protestors Block Traffic to Oscars Near Dolby Theatre

The demonstration was organized by the anti-war leftist organization Code Pink

Pro-Palestinian Protesters near the Dolby Theater Block traffic ahead of the Oscars
Photo by Sharon Waxman for TheWrap

Pro-Palestine protestors bearing signs and shouting slogans blocked traffic outside the Dolby Theatre on Sunday, just hours before the start of the 2025 Oscars broadcast.

The Academy Awards ceremony is set to begin at 7 p.m. ET, 4 p.m. Pacfic.

The protests were organized by anti-war leftist organization Code Pink. Demonstrators marched at the intersection of Highland Ave. and De Longpre Ave., about 2 blocks south of Hollywood Blvd., which has been blocked off entirely for the Academy Awards and is 0nly accessible by attendees, production workers and law enforcement.

Protesters carried signs that read “Hollywood censors Palestinian voices” and “Stop killing Gaza” and also waved Palestinian flags.

Pro-Palestinian protest blocking Oscars traffic near Dolby Theater
Photo by Sharon Waxman for TheWrap
Pro-Palestinian protest block Oscars traffic near Dolby Theater
Photo by Sharon Waxman for TheWrap
Pro-Palestinian protest block traffic near Dolby Theater ahead of the Oscars
Photo by Sharon Waxman for TheWrap
Pro-Palestinian protest blocking traffic near Dolby Theater ahead of the Oscars
Photo by Sharon Waxman for TheWrap

Code Pink is described as a pro-peace leftist organization that typically focuses on the Israel-Hamas war, human rights abuses in Saudi Arabia, the Iran nuclear deal, and more.

“We are outside of the Oscars in LA protesting against Hollywood’s complicity in Israel’s genocide against the Palestinian people,” the organization wrote in a post shared on X.

The protest was announced on X Sunday morning. “LA: PROTEST THE OSCARS! Join us outside of the Oscars today as we call out the city for its abysmal response to the fires & for Hollywood’s complicity in US-Israeli genocide against the people of Palestine,” the organization wrote.

Last year’s ceremony was also delayed by Pro-Palestine protesters who blocked the routes to Dolby. Protestors held signs and banners with messages including “Silence is violence, keep talking about Palestine” and “U.S. out of everywhere. Down with U.S. imperialism.”
