With “Wonder Woman” opening in theaters on June 2nd, the following comics are some of the most critically acclaimed storylines which could fuel a sequel.

1. Wonder Woman: The Hiketeia
The “Justice League” version of Marvel’s “Civil War” sees Wonder Woman and Batman at odds with each other.

2. Wonder Woman Spirit of Truth
With stunning images by legendary artist Alex Ross, Diana goes up against terrorist in the middle east.

3. JLA: A League of One
When a prophecy foretells their deaths at the claws of the last dragon on Earth, Wonder Woman must tear apart the Justice League she loves in order to save them.

4. Wonder Woman: Eyes of the Gorgon
A great story during Greg Rucka’s run sees Diana going up against the Gorgon herself, Medusa!

5. Wonder Woman: Earth One
From Grant Morrison, Diana is on the run from the Amazons and bring her back to Paradise Island in chains to face trial for breaking their oldest law — staying separated from the world that wronged them.

6. Wonder Woman: The Circle
Wonder Woman’s secret identity is at stake and her life is changed forever when she faces a monster named Genocide who easily goes toe-to-toe with Diana… and beats her!

7. Wonder Woman ‘77 Special #1-2
Yes, a comic based on the Lynda Carter television show which features Diana going up against Cold War era bad guys would be a great period piece!

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