Police Fire to Quell Riot at ‘Electric Daisy’ Premiere in Hollywood

Crowd threw bottles at Grauman’s Chinese Theater; police responded with non-lethal anti-riot bean bags

Police fired anti-riot bean bags into an unruly crowd in Hollywood that surged out of control at the premiere of the “Electric Daisy Carnival Experience” on Wednesday night.

Police told the Los Angeles Times they were forced to respond to several hundred people who threw bottles and other objects outside the film version of a rave at Grauman’s Chinese Theater.

"We are thankful that the LAPD were able to quickly restore order," Erika Raney, spokeswoman for Insomniac, the group that produced the event, said in a statement to the paper. 

The Electric Daisy rave, the subject of the movie, raised controversy after a teenaged girl died of a drug overdose at the event held in June 2010 at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum and Exposition Park.

The death prompted Los Angeles County to issue a moratorium on raves and limit attendance to those 18 and older, according to the Times.

Earlier Wednesday evening, several hundred people showed up to the movie premiere at Grauman's Chinese on Hollywood Boulevard and began throwing bottles outside the theater. 

Police said the rioting began when fans were turned away from the event. The event was apparently invitation-only, but when news of the premiere went out on the internet, many non-invited fans showed up anyway.
