The little prick got away with it again.
Auteur Roman Polanski, child molester extraordinaire and maybe a film genius, has been living the life of Riley in his Swiss “chalet,” laughing all the way to his media room, for the past week.
And on Thursday his attorney appeared in a Los Angeles court to ask that the case be dismissed altogether.
How did this elfin bastard manage to squeak out on bail after raping a 13-year-old child? I admit to being a huge cinematic fan of his, but that has nothing to do with the facts of what he did all those years ago at Jack Nicholson’s house. Maybe even by doping the girl.
You’ve read the stories (there have been plenty on this site). You know the naughty bits. I won’t rehash them now.
But the bile-anger that swelled my gut when I heard about his “house arrest” surprised even me. Until I remembered something: I am the mother of a daughter. Who once was a stunning 13. I bet some of you even have daughters or other female relatives around that tween age. See where I’m going with this?
Granted, Polanski committed the rape in the way-back days of 1977 and the now-adult woman has made peace with this despicable aggressor somehow. Good for her.
So why should this bother me so much? It’s none of my business. Then I think: This Roman Polanski guy is a public figure. Like that other liar, Tiger Something.
I’m thrilled there is now a backlash over this enfant terrible in Follywood.
Why are some colleagues who signed a supportive petition now having second thoughts?
Hmmm… Perhaps it’s because Roman Polanski raped a child many years ago and got away with it in Hollywood-style? With a happy ending?
So why are we disgusted? Because Pig Polanski raped a child. End of story. He got away with it and became a cause célèbre among his peers, fans and colleagues. Don’t think I don’t get it.
Polanski is among the elite, the blessed and deified who always finds a fan base. And Europe is perhaps more “liberated” sexually than most of the great unwashed on these shores. So what? To each his own.
Except don’t ever touch a kid. A child rapist is a child rapist. No matter how talented he is.