Speaking out for the first time since his September arrest, Roman Polanski has accused Los Angeles District Attorney Steve Cooley of playing politics with his freedom.
In a rambling posting on La Règle du jeu, the Internet magazine of writer and Polanski supporter Bernard-Henri Levy, the Oscar-winning director said Sunday that one reason Los Angeles prosecutors are insisting on dragging him back to the United States for sentencing is because Steve Cooley “is campaigning for election and needs media publicity!”
"The extradition of Roman Polanski is pending before the Swiss courts," Sandi Gibbons, a spokesperson for the district attorney, told TheWrap when asked about the attack on Cooley. "We will withhold comment until the Swiss make a decision on his fugitive status."
I have decided to break my silence in order to address myself directly to you without any intermediaries and in my own words.
I have had my share of dramas and joys, as we all have, and I am not going to try to ask you to pity my lot in life. I ask only to be treated fairly like anyone else.
It is true: 33 years ago I pleaded guilty, and I served time at the prison for common law crimes at Chino, not in a VIP prison. That period was to have covered the totality of my sentence. By the time I left prison, the judge had changed his mind and claimed that the time served at Chino did not fulfil the entire sentence, and it is this reversal that justified my leaving the United States.