Kristy Garett, a 26-year-old model from the Republic of Georgia, will be Playboy’s final nude centerfold, the magazine revealed Sunday.
“And the last nude Playmate is… Miss February 2016 @KristyGarett,” Playboy posted on Instagram. Garett also shared the news on her personal Instagram page, along with a link to a preview photo spread in the New York Daily News.
Hugh Hefner‘s once-iconic men’s magazine announced in October that it would stop featuring pictures of naked women — once its trademark — after more than 60 years in publication. The first model to appear on the cover was Marilyn Monroe in December 1953. The first centerfold was published in 1956 with actress Marian Stafford.

Garett, who speaks six languages, will bare all in a 12-page layout in the special January/February 2016 issue, which goes on sale next week. She is the magazine’s 749th Playmate.
“I’m so happy,” Garett said in an interview. “It’s such a big deal. It’s so iconic — being the last nude Playmate makes me cry and feel happy inside.”
The blonde model now hopes to live in Los Angeles, and said her desire to settle in the United States influenced her decision to pose for Playboy.
“The lifestyle here, where you’re free to express yourself, is my type of life,” she said.
Playboy will undergo a redesign and return with a March edition. The newly designed magazine will be “sexy, seductive pictorials of the world’s most beautiful women,” albeit with their clothes on.