"A Place at the Table," a documentary produced by Participant Media and distributed by Magnolia Pictures, will do more than just explain America's hunger crisis. The movie's opening-weekend ticket and digital sales will provide food for children affected by it.
Plum Organics has partnered with the two film companies behind the doc, as well as the Perseus Books Group, to donate one organic "Super Smoothie" pouch to a baby or toddler in need for every ticket, online download and copy of the companion book or e-book purchased March 1-3.
Kristi Jacobson and Lori Silverbush directed the documentary, which follows three people struggling with food insecurity in America. It includes interviews with Academy Award-winning actor Jeff Bridges and celebrity chef Tom Colicchio.
“At Plum, we believe each and every little one in our country deserves to be nourished to his or her full potential,” Neil Grimmer, CEO of the organic baby-food producer said. “'A Place at the Table' illustrates how we as a nation are falling short on this basic commitment to our children. We're excited to provide people with the opportunity to take one action against food insecurity by helping us donate a Super Smoothie to a baby or toddler in need."
Here's the trailer: