Pixar Introduces Disgust and Sadness in ‘Inside Out’ Teasers (Video)

Two of “the little voices inside your head” introduce themselves, with the other three likely on their way soon

Pixar’s new teasers for its upcoming animated film “Inside Out” don’t say much about the movie, but they’re still absolutely adorable. The movie is about “the little voices inside your head,” so Pixar simply introduced us to two of them.

The intros were as short as the videos themselves. In one, Sadness walks out and gives a meek wave, while the other features Disgust. Sadness said hello, but Disgust had absolutely no interest, and instead simply jumped away.

The film features several emotions, represented by different characters, including joy, fear, anger and disgust. Monday introduced Sadness, with Disgust making her disinterested “greeting” on Tuesday. So there’s a reasonable chance Pixar will finish out the week by saying hello to the other three emotions, one per day, on its official YouTube channel.

In the meantime, watch Disgust run away in the video above, while Sadness waves hello below. And check out the full trailer, featuring all five “voices” here.
