“The Moon and the Sun” is set for an April 10, 2015 release, Paramount announced Friday. The adaptation of Vonda N. McIntyre’s historical fantasy romance novel stars Pierce Brosnan as King Louis XIV.
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The Sean McNamara-directed film centers around the King’s quest for immortality, part of which includes stealing the life force from a mermaid played by Chinese actress Fan Bingbing (“X-Men: Days of Future Past.”) William Hurt co-stars as Pere La Chaise, a character who didn’t appear in McIntyre’s Nebula Award-winning novel.
It will be an interesting change of pace for Brosnan, who famously portrayed James Bond in four movies and frequently stars in modern spy thrillers, but it might be a welcome one. His current action film “The November Man,” which opens Aug. 27, already has earned a lukewarm review from TheWrap’s own Alonso Duralde.
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The Pandemonium Films production also stars Benjamin Walker and Kaya Scodelario. McIntyre, Ronald Bass, Barry Berman, Laura Harrington, Bill Mechanic and James Schamus are listed as writers. Paramount Pictures will release the film to theaters on April 10, 2015.