Rick Harrison, the leading man on the History Channel’s long-running reality show “Pawn Stars,” made an early morning appearance in the CPAC press pool Friday.
“Yeah I’m a Trump guy,” Harrison told TheWrap from the main hall of the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center. “I believe that capitalism is the one thing in this world that’s brought people out of poverty.”
Harrison is set to make a formal address to the crowd on Saturday making him the only reality T.V. star on deck to speak to CPAC attendees this year (other than — of course – the president of the United States.)
The “Pawn Stars” boss gave TheWrap a preview of what people could expect in his address.
“There’s a million things wrong with government that need to get fixed but none of its ever going to get fixed unless we start educating our children better,” he said.
“The biggest problem I have with education nowadays is we’ve switched to a system where we give kids information, just filtered information … You can tell a parrot 3 times 3 is nine but is has no understanding of mathematics.”
“We don’t teach kids how to think anymore,” he added, “We’re getting rid of the classics, high school is all about self-esteem.”
With Harrison’s show entering its 15th season with more than 500 episodes aired, “Pawn Stars” has become one of the most successful prime-time television programs in history.
Harrison’s appearance Saturday will come towards the end of what has been a raucous conference that has seen a strident defense of the Second Amendment, freedom of speech on campus and media bashing. CPAC attendees have been treated to fire and fury from NRA chief Wayne LaPierre, Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro, Vice President Mike Pence and many others.
President Donald Trump is set to address the crowd shortly after 10:00 a.m. Friday in the event’s keynote address