Paul McCartney: He Had ‘Stardom, Here I Come’ Written All Over His Pretty Face

Guest Blog: Sir Paul McCartney, who turned 70 on Monday, was the smoothest of the Fab Four in their prime — articulate, witty and very gregarious


I first met Paul McCartney — or Sir Paul, who turned 70 on Monday — one summer afternoon in August 1964 at the San Francisco Hilton Hotel.

He was a friendly, unassuming fellow, even though 200 screaming teenagers kept up a nonstop barrage of shrieks outside his hotel room.

I was to travel with the The Beatles on their first American tour, and the next day at breakfast Paul smiled and said, “Morning, Ivor.”

(Pictured: The Beatles  stop for a group shot in 1964. Author Ivor Davis is third from the left in the back row.)

Also read: The Beatles and Beyond: Sir Paul McCartney Through the Years (Slideshow)

I was impressed.
