“Wonder Woman” director Patty Jenkins took to Twitter on Thursday night to tell fans to stop making “false assumptions” about the upcoming sequel to the DC Films hit.
“Quite a few people, including this headline, seem to be completely misunderstanding or making some pretty false assumptions based on one of many vague quotes I made about something I can’t say ANYTHING about,” Jenkins wrote on Twitter, linking to a Collider tweet that reads, “‘Wonder Woman 2’ will have a new love story + will maintain a thematic focus like the first film, says @PattyJenks.”
She added: “Just wait. ;)”
Quite a few people, including this headline, seem to be completely misunderstanding or making some pretty false assumptions based on one of many vague quotes I made about something I can't say ANYTHING about. Just wait. 😉 https://t.co/rJU3CbKTwc
— Patty Jenkins (@PattyJenks) December 1, 2017
In a recent interview with Variety, Jenkins teased another love story for Diana Prince (Gal Gadot) as well as a couple of “new unbelievable characters.”
“It’s really still going to other values of hers, and a similar formula insofar as making a great, enjoyable fun movie but that ultimately in its third act turns some very big issues, and a very big experience that will aim to have slightly more weight and profundity than it has to have,” she said.
“Because that’s a formula that I really like, and I like the idea of taking somebody on a very solid, great journey but that arrives at a bigger question being answered,” Jenkins continued.
“So it’s like that but because she is Wonder Woman and she’s here now and she’s fully developed,” she added. “It’s got great fun from the start and great big superhero presence from the start, and is funny and a great love story again and a couple new unbelievable characters who I’m so excited about, who are very different than were in the last movie.”
Some fans were quick to question why Wonder Woman even needs a love story, and pointed out that the story about Diana Prince should focus on her “heroic, brave, strong side.”
Others worred that her relationship with American WWII-era airman Steve Trevor (Chris Pine), her counterpart in the first movie, will be left in the shadows.
Wonder Woman doesnt need a romantic interest or love story. Focus on the heroic, brave, strong side she has.
— Athena Quinn ♦️🌱 (@PHDharleen) December 1, 2017
Question: why does Wonder Woman 2 NEED a love story? How come every movie about a woman has to involve a man she's in love with? Can't she just be a badass without a dude on her arm?
— Liz Hannah (@itslizhannah) December 1, 2017
In a follow-up tweet, Jenkins said, “p.s. still enjoyed the article, and don’t blame the writer for the assumptions that follow.”
“Wonder Woman 2” is set for release on Nov. 1, 2019.