Patton Oswalt Defends Trevor Noah in Epic 53-Tweet Dissection of a Twitter Joke

The comedian demonstrates the danger of reading way too far into a joke

Patton Oswalt took to Twitter Tuesday night to defend new “Daily Show” host Trevor Noah by posting an 53-tweet examination of a simple joke that could, possibly, be considered offensive.

Noah has been under fire for tweets posted as early as 2011 that were viewed as misogynist and anti-Semitic by critics, so Oswalt critically analyzed a joke that dates back even further.

“Why did the man throw butter out the window? He wanted to see butter fly!” Oswalt wrote before apologizing to anyone who may have taken offense to his use of the words “man,” “throw,” “butter,” “window,” “see” or “fly.”

Oswalt concluded his epic response to the controversy occupying cable news networks’ air time by sarcastically noting, “But context, as we know, does not matter. Only individual words and feelings do.”

Read Oswalt’s response, in its 53-tweet entirety, below:
