Jim Berk, CEO of Participant Media, has been appointed Executive Board Chair of the UCLA School of Theater, Film and Television. The announced Thursday by the school’s dean, Teri Schwartz.
“I am honored to be named Chair,” said Berk. “I look forward to supporting Teri, the Board, and the school’s mission to foster social responsibility, global diversity, technology and innovation in the study of the arts that is uniquely available at UCLA TFT.”
Berk has served on the board since 2009. Members also include Francis Ford Coppola and Martin Scorsese.
“Jim has been our great champion and has made enormous contributions to UCLA TFT since he joined the board five years ago,” said Schwartz. “He has greatly helped our students along the way and is totally invested in their development and success. Jim’s deep industry experiences and insights are inspiring and invaluable to the Board and to our students, faculty and staff.”
Since Berk joined Participant Media in 2006, the company has expanded its film slate, created a Spanish-language film label, launched TV network Pivot and grown Participant’s web site, TakePart.com, as well as acquired a portfolio of media investments.
Prior to joining Participant, Berk was Chairman and CEO of Gryphon Colleges Corporation, President and CEO for Fairfield Communities, President and CEO of Hard Rock Cafe International and Divisional Managing Director at Rank Group PLC.