‘Parkland’s’ James Badge Dale on Playing Lee Harvey Oswald’s Brother, ‘Lone Ranger’s’ Bad Reviews

The character actor may not be a household name, but he’s the standout in the Kennedy assassination film

James Badge Dale provides the wounded heart of “Parkland,” a film about the aftermath of the Kennedy assassination that unfolds with a documentary-like procession.

Zac Efron, Jacki Weaver, Paul Giamatti and others may have their names above the title in the film’s posters, but it is the largely unknown Dale who has earned the strongest reviews for his portrayal of Lee Harvey Oswald’s brother, Robert Oswald.

Also read: ‘Parkland’ Review: Too Many JFK Assassination-Adjacent Stories for One Movie

“Parkland,” opening Friday, also gives the perspective of the doctors who operated on the president and Abraham Zapruder, the man who famously photographed the killing.
