“Parkland Rising,” a new documentary on the Marjory Stoneman Douglas school shooting co-executive produced by Katie Couric, will live stream on The Young Turks Monday, Aug. 3, one day before slain student Joaquin Oliver would have turned 20 years old.
TYT partnered with Abramorama for the exclusive stream and hosted conversation around the film from Cheryl Horner McDonough, which looks at the youth-led gun violence advocacy movement born from the 2018 massacre in which 17 people died.
The stream will air at 7 p.m. ET/4 p.m. PT on The Young Turks YouTube channel and TYT.com.
In a statement, Couric said, “Gun violence is an epidemic in this country. It’s happening more and more, but the public, national will against gun violence and support for stricter gun measures are growing as well. I feel very honored to be an executive producer of ‘Parkland Rising’ because it goes inside a movement and shows you how the victims of tragedy have become activists and they’re working towards changing the situation in this country. At times the movie is incredibly gut-wrenching but it’s also full of hope and optimism.”
Black Eyed Peas rapper will.i.am, another co-executive producer on the film, added, “We need to get the NRA out of politics because they fund the very politicians who prevent the passage of common-sense gun law reform that will establish and enforce universal background checks. Gun violence affects everyone, it’s happening at schools, offices, churches, entertainment venues and communities across the country.”
He added he hopes the work of the Parkland students-turned-activists profiled in the piece will “inspire all of us to take action in November.”
That message was seconded by TYT host and founder Cenk Uygur: “I know our actively engaged viewers will feel encouraged to join the fight started by the Parkland students and we should all feel motivated to continue their efforts. We all have a stake in the pursuit of gun reform.”