‘ParaNorman’ Review: Sweet and Freaky Fun for Kids (Who Aren’t Too Easily Spooked)

This weird and wonderful 3-D cartoon hides a moral about fear itself in a delightfully diabolical tale of witches, ghosts and the walking dead

There’s a fine line between scaring children and traumatizing them, and it’s up to each parent to know how their own kids will react. I know of nine-year-olds who love “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre,” but I also recall my sister-in-law relating the tale of removing her screaming, horrified toddler from the big-screen “Thomas the Tank Engine” movie.

So while the chills and thrills of  “ParaNorman” might be enough to send some youngsters racing for the lobby, tykes of the proper age and the right scare-minded sensibility will have a great time. So will adults with a taste for freaky fun, whether they’re accompanying a kid or going on their own.
