Michael Ovitz rejected the allegations in Anita Busch’s lawsuit against him, saying the former Hollywood journalist “had full knowledge of the risks, dangers and hazards” that came with her job.
“Plaintiff had full knowledge of all the risks, dangers and hazards, if any, and nevertheless voluntarily and with full appreciate of the amount of risk involved, assumed the risk of loss to herself,” Ovitz’s lawyer Eric George wrote in a legal response to the complaint.
Read also: Anita Busch Deposed as Lawsuits Against Michael Ovitz, Anthony Pellicano Revived
Busch accused the power broker and other defendants of “threats and assaults on (her) life,” stemming from a notorious incident in which a dead fish and a rose was left on her windshield with the note “Stop!”
Her lawsuit said that the trauma from the threat put an end to an “illustrious career.”
In his response, Ovitz denied any responsibility for any alleged damage to Busch’s life. He cited a statue of limitations, a failure to mitigate damages, the fact that any damage was caused by a third person.
“Plaintiff has been harmed, if at all, in whole or in part, by virtue of her own acts and omissions,” the response said, asking for a dismissal.
The response was filed in December 2008, but the entire legal action was stayed until recently by a judge.