Our Genius Idea: TV Theme Night on ‘Idol’! (video)

If the remaining contestants can croon themes as well as this Swedish viral video star, it could make for an interesting show

We're starting the online movement right here: "American Idol" needs to devote a theme night to TV songs.

The inspiration for this out-there idea? A recently-posted clip from the Swedish guitarist/viral video producer Fredrik Larsson, a k a "FreddeGedde, performing nearly two dozen TV themes in just under seven minutes. That fact alone isn't all that impressive, but the way the video is shot — Larsson essentially clones himself — and the coffeehouse vibe he brings to themes as varied as "The Big Bang Theory" and "Mission: Impossible" makes it a compelling (if a tad long) view.

It also suggests that maybe this year's batch of "Idol" wannabes might actually be able to have some fun reworking familiar TV classics. C'mon, you know you wanna see Bowersox serve up a soulful rendition of full "M*A*S*H" theme!

Check out the fab FreedeGedde below (h/t RealTVAddict.com):
