No one was prepared tonight for what may have been the biggest on-stage mistake in the history of the Oscars, when “Moonlight” took home the award for Best Picture — only after it was first mistakenly given to “La La Land.” Here are the best reactions from the stars at the Oscars.

Viola Davis
Holding her own Oscar in hand, Davis is clearly thrilled for everyone involved with “Moonlight” — as is her husband, Julius Tennon.

Meryl Streep
More than anyone, Streep was absolutely floored by the Oscar stage Best Picture flub.

Charlize Theron
Furiosa approves.

Taraji P. Henson
Henson was filming the moment on her phone, but couldn’t wipe the shocked look off her face as “Moonlight” won.

Nicole Kidman
Both Kidman and Keith Urban were ecstatic to hear the “Moonlight” news.

Denzel Washington
Washington’s face conveyed nothing but pride as the “Moonlight” cast and crew took the Oscar stage.

Busy Philipps
It’s possible Philipps could be more thrilled at “Moonlight” taking Best Picture, but it sure doesn’t look like it.

Janelle Monae
From the Oscar stage, Monae celebrated the “Moonlight” win, putting into action the feelings of a huge number of people across the Internet.

Matt Damon
Damon broke out the two-finger dad whistle to share his approval of the “Moonlight” win.

Octavia Spencer
Spencer beamed over the “Moonlight” win, adding her applause.

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson
The Rock is all smiles as the Best Picture announcement goes out.

Samuel L. Jackson
The angle was a bit obscured, but Jackson took a photo with his phone of the amazing Best Picture moment, and then appeared to wipe away a tear.