The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is busy trying to make a change in order to avoid a third year of only white actors nominated for Oscars, but Jimmy Kimmel has a solution that can be implemented this year.
Simply rename the Best Picture nominees.
“Our plan is to make this right, not just in the future, now,” a fake Academy public relations director told the ABC late-night host during a sketch poking fun at the #OscarsSoWhite outrage. “We’re modifying many of the Oscar-nominated films to be more inclusive. For instance, ‘The Big Short,’ nominated for Best Picture, is being changed to ‘The Big Shawty.’”
Other suggestions included “Room,” which could be “Crib,” and Leonardo DiCaprio’s “The Revenant” could be “The Revenant Al Sharpton.” “Steve Jobs” may have made a bigger dent in the box office if it was “Steve Harvey,” starring the the Miss Universe host as himself.
“Steve accidentally announces the iPhone 5 instead of the iPhone 6 and then he has to go back and apologize,” the fictional spokesman said.