Oscar Nominees React: From Ang Lee to Quvenzhané Wallis to Harvey Weinstein

Oscar nominees from Norway to Hollywood react to their chance at an award

Tim Burton is honored, the “ParaNorman” directors are in shock, and Harvey Weinstein is blown away!!!!!!!

Seth MacFarlane and Emma Stone announced the 2013 Oscar nominees Thursday morning and, in the time-honored tradition of orchestrated spontaneity, most of the nominees provide some sort of reaction.

Here's what they had to say:

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Ang Lee, director of "Life of Pi," 11 nominations including Best Picture: "I am deeply honored and frankly a little overwhelmed by all of the nominations that 'Life of Pi' has received this morning. So many talented people gave everything they had to this film, both in front of and behind the camera, and to see all of them receive this kind of recognition is something I am incredibly grateful for."
