ChatGPT Is Copying Human Creativity on a Huge Scale – But How Do Artists Get Paid? | PRO Insight

OpenAI’s $10 billion payday guarantees that we’ll be talking about the societal implications of these tools for years to come

There are already two copyright lawsuits challenging AI works. (Dall-E)

ChatGPT was the talk of Davos, and yet the chatter about artificial intelligence shows no sign of subsiding. The $10 billion bet Microsoft placed Monday on OpenAI, the maker of ChatGPT, all but guarantees the technology’s primacy in the Silicon Valley conversation for years to come.

AI and the societal disruption it portends should be the talk of Hollywood, too. ChatGPT rocketed into our worlds late last year, and shook many of us with its game-changing ease and sophistication.

Now an unease is sinking in across the creative community and the business ecosystem that supports and profits from it.  No one knows where AI will take content creation in the years ahead, but thanks to ChatGPT we are finally seeing that the genie is out of the bottle.
