UPDATE 1:35 AM CST: A Fox rep says the TWC ad declaring peace (which also ran in North Carolina) was a "mistake." Pretty big blunder, but we can see it happening (see original post below).
Is there a deal between Fox and Time Warner Cable?
A rep for Fox couldn’t be reached late Thursday evening Los Angeles time. But according to a source in New York, the cable giant ran the following ad on its New York City system:
"Good news from Time Warner Cable!
With your support we’ve reached an agreement with FOX that protects our customers’ pocketbooks – and you can continue to enjoy your favorite FOX shows!
You told us to "get tough" = and together we fought higher tv prices.
With your help, we’ll keep fighting to hold down the cost of cable.
From all of us at Time Warner Cable, we appreciate your patience and understanding – and wish you a safe, healthy and Happy New Year!"
We’ll update with confirmation when we know if there really is a deal — or just a trigger-happy TW Cable engineer. Stay tuned.