‘Onward’ Censored in Russia Over LGBTQ Character

A lesbian cop voiced by Lena Waithe in Disney-Pixar film had dialogue changed in Russian dub

Photo credit: Walt Disney Studios

Disney-Pixar’s “Onward” has been censored in Russia over a brief line that identifies one character in the film as a lesbian.

According to a report in the Russian film site Kinopoisk.ru (via The Moscow Times), a line uttered by purple cyclops Specter — who is voiced by Lena Waithe in the American release of the film — was changed in the film’s Russian dub. Waithe is openly gay.

In the U.S. version, Specter says, “It’s not easy being a new parent – my girlfriend’s daughter got me pulling my hair out, okay?” Kinopoisk reports that in the Russian version of the film, the word “girlfriend” was changed to the more gender-neutral “partner.”
