(Spoiler alert: Do not keep reading if you did not see this week’s episode of “Once Upon a Time”)
Fans of ABC’s “Once Upon a Time” are going into mourning after one of their favorite characters was killed off in this week’s episode.
Robin Hood (Sean Maguire) gave his life to defend Regina (Lana Parilla) in the episode, and loyal viewers aren’t happy. One fan simply tweeted “I’m done” after watching the heartbreaking episode, while another said, “How can they do this to me?”
Read some more fan reactions below.
You know what #OnceUponATime #OUAT … I’m done. Robin? # pic.twitter.com/d2oSKUhrmx
– Tommy C. (@BoyVirginiaMade) May 9, 2016
#OUAT Robin needs to come back so he and Regina can be happy. His sacrifice made it possible to kill Hades!! Just like Hook
– Zulieka Boykin (@zuliekatammy) May 9, 2016
Never forget: Robin died as a hero, saving his true love. #OUAT
– Sara (@msoverchele) May 9, 2016
Robin’s death was so unnecessary why would they kill him
He deserved better and Regina didn’t deserve to suffer again #OUAT– . (@DemetriasLooch) May 9, 2016
ROBIN NO #OUAT– Ale ✨ (@mrsrossackles) May 9, 2016
I’m really sad and bitter about what happened in #OUAT. Robin didn’t deserve to die and be treated this badly
– long live Heda ∞ (@theneewyorker) May 9, 2016
How can they do this to me? Hook AND Robin. I mean…I’m crying! #OUAT
– Even (@Cia94) May 9, 2016
So Zeus resurrected Killian but he can’t do that for Robin? Why is life so unfair… for Regina?! #OUAT
– kimchoi 킴최..뚜옹 (@kimChoii11) May 9, 2016
Went to bed sad about Robin, woke up sad about Robin. #OUAT
– Michelle Gray (@HeartOfAmethyst) May 9, 2016
I am so sad about Robin that I can’t even be happy about Hook being back.. #ouat
– Sophie Lovatic (@DarkestSecretsx) May 9, 2016