President Barack Obama and the Republican party’s approval ratings have hit at an all-time low, according to an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released on Wednesday.
Forty-two percent of 800 people surveyed between Oct. 25 and 28 said they approved of Obama’s job performance and 51 percent said they disapproved — an all-time low and high for the president, respectively.
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“Personally and politically, the public’s assessment is two thumbs down,” Democratic pollster Peter D. Hart told NBC News.
Hart and Republican pollster Bill McInturff conducted the poll, and found that respondents’ negative opinion on Obama wasn’t tied to one specific issue, but several: the NSA spying allegation, Syria, the government shutdown and the issue-plagued healthcare rollout.
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Other politicians suffered as well. Only 22 percent of respondents had a positive opinion of the Republican party. Thirty-seven percent had positive opinion of Democrats.
One person who came out of the poll looking good is potential Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, with 46 percent positive opinion rating. Possible Republican candidates Ted Cruz and Chris Christie had 19 and 33 percent, respectively.