‘Hundred Acre Wood Karen’: Tigger Flag Triggers Nosy Neighbor (Video)

A TikTok in which a white woman confronts her Black neighbor for her choice of decoration is going viral

tigger flag neighbor karen
@tizzybizzy92 (TikTok)

Another week, another entry into everybody’s favorite viral video genre: “Karens Gone Wild.” What’s the perceived injustice this time, you ask? Flying a flag featuring a certain “Winnie The Pooh” character. 

TikTok user Ambrosia recently uploaded a video of her encounter with an exterior decorating vigilante that has since racked up over 10 million views. Ambrosia also says her account was briefly banned from the platform after posting. 

The video begins with an older white woman knocking on Ambrosia’s front door to express her distaste for her choice of flag.

“I want to talk about this Tigger flag,” the woman says. “I don’t like it.”

The offensive flag in question depicts the beloved cartoon character picking daisies. 

The American flag in Ambrosia’s front yard? She says that’s “real nice” but Tigger? He apparently symbolizes far more inequities and crimes against humanity than Old Glory. 

The nosy neighbor then notes how she’s “not going to say anything about the shrubbery or the backyard” (a thinly veiled threat) but that “we have rules” in the community that must be abided by. 

“I don’t want to have to go find out what they are, but I don’t like that,” she says.

Ambrosia interjects that their neighborhood doesn’t even have a homeowners association. 

“No but there’s rules for the community,” the wild “Karen” replies matter-of-factly. “It’s called Williamsburg something and there’s rules.

“I’m just saying I don’t like it,” she continues. “It makes it look tacky — it makes the neighborhood look tacky.”

“That’s OK. It doesn’t but you’re allowed your opinion.” Ambrosia responds, taking a stand for “cuddly fellas with tops made out of rubber and bottoms made out of springs” everywhere.

As the woman leaves she promises, “I’m going to find out about it.”

Ambrosia later posted a follow-up video in which she explained she’d been briefly banned from TikTok for posting it.

“I appealed it and they put it back up, but apparently y’all get mad,” she said.

She even provided an update on “Hundred Acre Wood Karen,” as coined by writer Seth Abramson after the confrontation went viral. 

“I don’t know who told her, somebody told her,” Ambrosia began in the video. “Because she did what we have been calling a driveby apology. She was literally driving by when she shouted out the window, ‘I’m sorry! Sorry!’ and just kept going.” 

The woman’s thoughts on the other “Winnie The Pooh” supporting characters are unknown, for now. Perhaps the sanctity of the American flag can only be matched by Snuffleupagus. 
