‘Noah’ Starts Fast With $1.1 Million First Day at Korean Box Office

The debut of the Russell Crowe Biblical epic is on par with “Gravity” and “Inception,” Paramount says

The Russell Crowe Biblical saga “Noah” got off to a fast start overseas debut.

The effects-heavy action epic from Paramount Pictures and Regency Enterprises took in $1.1 million from 730 screens on Thursday in Korea, the highest opening day in 2014 for the territory.

Also read: Emma Watson Introduces New ‘Noah’ Trailer, Full of Epic Apocalyptic Destruction (Video)

The gross is on par with “Gravity’s” first-day total in Korea — and better than the $950,000 that “Inception” took in on its first day there in 2010, Paramount said.

Only so much can be drawn from a big debut in a single territory, but both of those films went on to take in more than $400 million overseas.

“Noah” is directed by Darren Aronofsky and co-stars Anthony Hopkins, Jennifer Connelly and Emma Watson.

International grosses will be critical for the $125 million “Noah,” which is tracking to open in the $40 million range when it makes its U.S. debut on March 28.
