New York Times Op-Ed Scolds Media for Donald Trump Addiction: ‘Every Offense and Attack Is Not News’

“The Republican Party created this Frankenstein of hatred, hubris, narcissism and nativism, but the media is giving it life,” Charles M. Blow writes

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At least one reporter is sick of the media covering Donald Trump‘s every move (or insult).

Charles M. Blow wrote a New York Times op-ed explaining why “Enough is Enough” after Univision anchor Jorge Ramos was escorted out of Trump’s news conference on Tuesday.

In wake of the incident, during which a Trump supporter told the journalist to “get out of my country,” Blow decided that he would officially be done with the GOP presidential candidate until he warrants actual newsworthy coverage.

Mentioning the various times Trump has caused controversy, including discrimination against African-Americans, talking about his daughter’s figure, and calling Arianna Huffington a “dog,” he notes that there is a certain addiction between the press and Trump.

“In that moment, I was disgusted at Trump’s contempt and the press’s complicity in the shallow farce that is his candidacy,” wrote Blow. “Trump is addicted to press, but the press is also addicted to him, and the entire spectacle is wide and shallow.”

Most importantly, Blow believes that everything Trump does cannot be considered news.

Yes, the Republican Party created this Frankenstein of hatred, hubris, narcissism and nativism, but the media is giving it life.

The never-ending, exhaustive, even breathless coverage of every outrage that issues forth from this man’s mouth is not news. Every offense and attack is not news.

Every morning that Trump rolls out of bed and calls in to a news show is not news.

Covering a political phenomenon as news is one thing. See the coverage of Bernie Sanders. Creating a political phenomenon and calling it news is quite another.

Similarly to Trump, Blow wrote a column in 2010 about Sarah Palin, saying that because she was no longer an elected official, she didn’t warrant constant attacks. After that column, he only briefly mentioned her in one another article. He plans to do the same with Trump and only write about him when he does something actually newsworthy, and urges the media to do the same.

“The same is true of Trump,” he wrote. “The constant harping on him only helps him. […] I will cover Trump as he addresses issues with specific policy prescriptions and details, like answers to the question Ramos asked. Until then, this man is not worthy of the attention he’s garnering. We in the media have to own our part in this.”
