New York Times Asks Readers If They’d Kill Hitler When He Was a Baby, Internet Explodes

“No wonder print is dying,” former Gawker editor-in-chief Max Read tweets

The New York Times Magazine decided to spice things up on a Friday, so it invited readers jaunt back in time and decide whether they would have killed Hitler.

“We asked @nytmag readers: If you could go back and kill Hitler as a baby, would you do it? (What’s your response?)” the Times tweeted.

Predictably, the Internet exploded.

Former Gawker editor-in-chief Max Read slammed the Times, saying silliness like this is a symbol for the demise of print.

Another former Gawker editor turned the tables and asked the GOP frontrunner whether he would’ve done the deed.

Other responses ranged from teasing the Times to proposing different questions altogether.

Currently, just 42 percent of those polled said they would kill the genocidal dictator. Thirty percent said no and 28 percent are unsure.

A spokesperson for the magazine said the poll question is not part of a larger story.

“The magazine publishes the results of a study conducted online in July and August by The New York Times’s research-and-analytics department, reflecting the opinions of 2,987 subscribers who chose to participate,” the spokesperson said. “The feature only runs in print and the magazine usually tweets it out on Friday.”
