New York Daily News Blasts NRA Chief as a ‘Terrorist’ (Photo)

Front cover groups gun rights group’s Wayne LaPierre with terrorists and mass shooters

The New York Daily News continued its crusade for tighter gun control on Friday, issuing a front cover that grouped NRA executive vice president Wayne LaPierre with terrorists.

Titled, “He’s a Terrorist,” the newspaper shows an image (pictured above) of San Bernardino shooter Syed Farook above images of perpetrators of domestic mass shootings. Under him reads,”But so are these guys…”

“These guys” included Newtown shooter Adam Lanza, Planned Parenthood shooter Robert Dear, Charleston church shooter Dylan Roof and Aurora movie theater James Holmes.

“And this guy,” text reads over a picture of  LaPierre, lumped in the same row with notorious shooters.

Underneath the lineup of shooters and Daily News-perceived terrorists, the paper wrote: “Syed Farook joins long list of murderous psychos enabled by NRA’s sick gun jihad against America in the name of profit.”

This is not the first time the Daily News has taken on the NRA and LaPierre; the paper’s been borderline crusading for tighter gun control for several years.

On Thursday, the paper sparked social media buzz for a different cover reacting to the San Bernardino shootings titled, “God Won’t Fix This,” referring to Republican presidential candidates offering their thoughts and prayers following the massacre.
