"Pt. Dume," the new series from "Baywatch" creator Gregory Bonnan, sounds like a cross between "Mod Squad" and Bonnan's trademark hit. The show has been sold to Tribune Broadcasting stations in many major markets and will debut on weekends in Fall 2011.
Set in Malibu, "Pt.. Dume" tells the story of a group of teenage delinquents who are forced to take part in a Coast Guard training program. Steve MacDonald, executive vice president and general sales manager of basic cable sales of Twentieth Television announced the deal Tuesday,
“As there is significant opportunity in syndication for a fresh hour-long series on weekends, we are thrilled to present ‘Pt Dume,’ a unique, high-action procedural to viewers. Gregory Bonann, a proven show runner, brings back to television what he does best – beach heroes and rescues – set against the backdrop of California shores,” MacDonald said.
"Pt. Dume" is cleared in 30 percent of the country and will appear on Tribune stations in several major cities including New York, Los Angeles, Miami and Seattle. The series was produced in partnership between Twentieth Television, Engine Entertainment and QED.