Principal photography has completed on Netflix’s upcoming film “See You Yesterday,” a time-travel film written and directed by newcomer filmmaker Stefon Bristol and produced by Spike Lee through his 40 Acres and a Mule production banner.
Netflix plans to release the film in 2019.
Based on Bristol’s NYU thesis short film, which was also produced by Lee and streamed on HBO last year, “See You Yesterday” follows C.J. and Sebastian (Eden-Duncan Smith and Dante Crichlow), two African-American prodigies who build a time machine in the hopes of using it to save C.J.’s brother from being wrongfully killed by a cop.
“I started this project when Mike Brown and Eric Gardner were murdered. That was in 2014. And we are still dealing with deadly police misconduct. I made this film because I don’t want the conversation on police brutality to slow down,” Bristol said in a statement.
“‘See You Yesterday’ is genre-blending and entertaining,” added the film’s co-writer Fredrica Bailey. “But it also brings attention to the very real issue of police brutality. And it does it through the eyes of two young amazing black scientific geniuses–I’m excited to see such unique characters on screen.”
Filmed in Brooklyn and the Bronx, the movie also stars rapper Brian ‘Astro’ Bradley, Johnathan Nieves, Marsha S. Blake, Wavvy Jonez, Myra Lucretia Taylor, and Ron Bobb Semple. Executive Producers are Matthew Myers and Jason Sokoloff.