Netflix officially raised its price for new customers on Friday, upping the monthly ticket to its couch zombie wasteland-paradise to $8.99.
“In order to continue adding more movies and TV shows, we are increasing our price from $7.99 to $8.99 for new members,” the streaming service told customers. “As a thank you for being a member of Netflix already, we guarantee that your streaming plan and price will not change for two years.”
Also read: Do Only 52 Million Adults Watch Original Shows on Netflix and YouTube?
The price increase comes amidst the company’s mounting efforts to create original content, such as voraciously consumed hit shows/Twitter obsessions “Orange is the New Black” and “House of Cards,” as well as new deals with cable companies that are charging it more for priority access to customers.
This, it could be said, is the first premium brought on by the fall of Net Neutrality.