Netflix and Bioware are teaming up for a new animated series titled “Dragon Age: Absolution.”
The series is set in Tevinter and features an ensemble of new characters inspired by Dragon Age lore, including elves, mages, knights, Qunari, Red Templars, demons and other special surprises.
A teaser for “Dragon Age: Absolution” that was released Friday, which you can watch above, doesn’t give away many details — but teases plenty of action and lore from the award-winning video games.
Since debuting in 2009, the video-game franchise has brought players into the world of Thedas with rich stories, unforgettable characters, and beautiful and deadly locales to discover.
The next upcoming Dragon Age game, “Dragon Age: Dreadwolf,” will be a single-player-focused experience that further builds on this adventure.
Mairghread Scott will showrun the upcoming series, which is produced by Red Dog Culture House.
“Dragon Age: Absolution” will begin streaming in December 2022.