Don’t worry everyone, Neil deGrasse Tyson is here to throw some cold water on all your favorite sci-fi movies this summer. With science.
All those lovey-dovey, fertile couples that are going to colonize a new plant in “Alien: Convenant”? They’d actually be robots, according to America’s favorite scientist.
“There is no sensible space mission that’s going to send humans to a planet before we send robots,” Tyson said during a segment on “The Late Show With Stephen Colbert.” “Because if anything’s going to do some killing, it’ll kill the robots first.”
Makes sense. But what about “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2,” where the sci-fi elements go way beyond man’s space race and are further along than our current reality?
“If there’s enough other interesting things going on in these big budget epic sci-fi films, then you can distract me from all the science you’re getting wrong,” he conceded. “So, a walking, talking tree, a raccoon that will insult you, a green woman, okay, we’re there, do what you want. I’ll just sit back and watch.”
Watch above for Tyson’s scientific take on all these scientific elements, plus another crucial question: Can “Baywatch” star Dwayne Johnson really lift two refrigerators?