Neil DeGrasse Tyson, JK Rowling Tag-Team Against Donald Trump on Twitter

Astrophysicist and “Harry Potter” author pair up to poke fun at the Donald

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One’s a beloved celebrity astrophysicist. The other’s an equally beloved author of wizard-centric books. Can these two kids come together to humiliate the potential next Leader of the Free World?

Yes they can, as it turns out. Yes they can.

Neil deGrasse Tyson and “Harry Potter” mastermind J.K. Rowling came together via Twitter on Friday to tag-team against GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump, in a one-two punch that stands as a textbook example of how to school fools on social media.

Tyson launched the volley on his Twitter account with a simple musing of the kind that the public has come to love and expect from the man.

“If a Space Alien landed in the USA & requested: “Take me to your leader”, I wonder how Pres Trump would react vs Pres Clinton,” Tyson wrote.

It’s unclear whether Tyson was wittingly setting Rowling up for a punchline, but that’s exactly what he ended up doing.

“Afraid we need to know whether the alien has breasts before we can answer,” Rowling shot back.

For those who have been blissfully unaware, that would be a seeming reference to  Trump’s vastly reported penchant for objectifying women.

Well played, you two. If the whole science/writing thing ever fizzles out, maybe you should consider forming a comedy duo.
