NBC’s ‘Rock Center with Brian Williams’ Invades Gawker Headquarters After Lana Del Rey E-mail

Will Williams talk to Gawker honcho Nick Denton himself?

NBC’s Brian Williams can’t be too upset about Gawker editor A.J. Daulerio publishing an e-mail he sent to Gawker Media chief Nick Denton last week.

His weekly newsmagazine, “Rock Center,” is profiling the popular (and divisive) media company.

Gawker’s John Cook posted a video of the NBC crew coming to the Gawker offices, along with three paragraphs on the unnecessarily large staff the show brought to capture the more cost-efficient Gawker operation.

Williams is an unabashed supporter of Denton’s New York media-centric website, as evidenced by an e-mail published last week.

Williams was writing Denton — as part of a regular correspondence we’re told — to demand more frequent postings on the weekends.

Also Read: Brian Williams Rips Lana Del Rey in Gawker Email; NBC Not Amused

The immediate impetus for the note was insufficient criticism of Williams’ own network, NBC, for putting Lana Del Rey on “Saturday Night Live.” Williams deemed it one “one of the worst outings in SNL history” and said Gawker’s “weekends have been allowed to go awfully fallow.”

For a good analysis of the Williams-Denton-Daulerio posting, look to the Washington Post’s Erik Wemple.

Though Wemple accuses Gawker of “sleaze” and “routine privacy-invasion,” it would appear Williams, unperturbed, remains an avid reader.

So will he do the honors of interviewing Denton?
