NBC News’ Chuck Todd Under Fire for Quoting Article Comparing Sanders Supporters to Nazi ‘Brownshirts’

#FireChuckTodd trended on Twitter after the anchor quoted a conservative columnist on air

Chuck Todd on Meet the Press

NBC News’ Chuck Todd came under fire for reading aloud from a column that compared supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders to Nazi “brownshirts” Monday, causing #FireChuckTodd to trend on Twitter.

The “Meet the Press” moderator explained that he’s received harsh treatment from supporters of Sanders’ presidential run, then read out loud from Jonathan V. Last’s recent piece about “Bernie Bros” at conservative site The Bulwark.

Todd read, “Here’s what he says: ‘No other candidate has anything like this sort of digital brownshirt brigade. I mean, except for Donald Trump. The question no one is asking is this: What if you can’t win the presidency without an online mob?’”

“Brownshirts” were the nickname given to members of the Nazi troops who used intimidation and violence against Jews leading up to World War II.
