Naomi Campbell has shed those Victoria’s Secret angel wings and exchanged them for, wait for it, a hazmat suit. For those unhappy with the wardrobe trade down, blame it on the coronavirus pandemic.
When traveling the friendly skies, Campbell plays it extra safe in this age of COVID-19 fear by covering herself from head to toe in a full hazmat suit, mask, goggles and a face shield.
“On the move,” she wrote as a caption to a selfie on Instagram on Saturday. The photo shows her – at least we assume it’s her, because the only visible skin are a pair of eyes and bit of forehead – enveloped in white, with a pink blanket draped over the plane seat.
Although she has upped her better-safe-than-sorry game since COVID-19 has become a pandemic crisis and airlines have been greatly reduced flights, Campbell’s over-the-top pre-flight routine isn’t all that new. In 2019, she posted a video on YouTube sharing how serious she is about her space being germ-free. That video went viral with nearly 3 million views.
“You guys know how much I travel but you might not know how much I LOVE to travel. Here’s a peek at my airport routine,” she wrote. The video show her boarding a plane, slipping on rubber gloves, wiping down “anything that you could possibly touch” with sanitizing wipes. She then covers her seat and its back with her own blanket, and, finally, she puts on a mask.
“This is what I do on every plane I get on,” she said. “I do not care what people think of me, it’s my health and it makes me feel better.”
After the world became aware of the spreading virus, Campbell posted a series of photos on March 10 showing the extent of her cautionary outfit.
“Safety First NEXT LEVEL,” she wrote. And how!